Mallorie got a new PIC line.
But got such a great sleep during the procedure that she snoozed pretty much all day afterward, and her heartrate kept dipping into the 50's. As 6 pm neared, and the doctors started their rounds, I prayed that God would direct the decision about extubation, and that they'd simply have a good feeling about today vs tomorrow. The attending came in after they discussed Mallorie, laughed, because her heartrate was in the 140's and her eyes were open, but said they felt because of the timing, the best would be to give her some light sedation tonight, and even restart her feeding, and wait till tomorrow morning. That way more staff are around if she required the tube to be put back in. They will probably stop her feeding about 2 am, and could try taking out the tube as early as 8 am.
So she had a visit from her other mommy, Tracy, who promptly set to work fixing her hair, making sure her face was clean, putting on her baby legs (found by Tamara) and telling her how much she loved her. She probably sang to her while I was away showering.
Then tonight, she got a nice bath, a manicure and pedicure, and smells like baby lotion.
And keeps trying to sneakily turn herself over onto her tummy. Just like at home. :) We keep promising her if she breathes really well tomorrow and keeps her tube out, we will let her sleep on her tummy.
So may tomorrow be another good day.
Thinking of you guys all the time.
Really hoping she extubates well.
Wishing you peace, strength and a successful extubation. Mallorie, and you her loving family, are an inspiration. I wish you all the best as Mallorie recovers and that you all find the strength you need day to day.
My heart goes out to you as you negotiate your Picu stay. My girl Nalah (also t18) has spent her last two Christmas days in Picu. Our kids are a mystery and it takes skilled and compassionate people to solve each puzzle. Mallorie is in good hands with you as her advocate. Take care,
I miss that baby...
I miss my mama, too.
Love you. Goodnight.
(P.S. did you get my email about those songs?)
What cute pictures!!
Praying that you will be sleeping on your tummy very soon Mallorie!!! Keep fighting sweet girl!
Love, Hugs and Prayers!!!
Love these pictures and her "baby legs". They are so cute Connie. Praying today is a great one for you all and asking God to continue to carry you and your family gently through this time. I love you.
Love and Hugs, Laurie
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